Friday, July 20, 2007

Reply from The Learning Team at the British Library

About ten days i published a post about the British Library website calling the story of David and Goliath a "Christian story" is their response:

Dear Zachary,

Thanks for your comments on the Sacred Stories interactive. When choosing the stories for the interactive, our intention was to show that the same stories appear across different religions. The objective was to get students thinking about the way stories evolve and the fact that particular stories are shared or adopted by different religions.

As you will read if you click on the ‘more information’ tab in the David and Goliath story, we acknowledge that the story is included in the scriptures of all three Abrahamic faiths. Similarly, you’ll notice in the Islamic section that we tell the story of Mary and Jesus. The theme of shared values has been central to the whole Sacred project.

With thanks,

The Learning Team

Dear Mr Rob Ainsley, Sacred website editor!
I was shocked amazed dismayed and perplexed by the listing of the Bible story of David and Goliath as a
Christian story.

David, as in, king of the
Israelite/Hebrews, in a battle with a Philistine named Goliath, only hundreds and hundreds of years before Christ, (and by inference, Christianity perhaps??? Ya think???)? How in the name of God could anyone call the story of David and Goliath a Christian story? What is Christian about it? Because "Christians" put together a pile of Hebrew texts into a collection called the Bible, which simply means Book? If I, as an American, compiled a collection of English fairy tale stories into a codex and called it The Book, would those stories then be called American stories? I am totally at a loss for words. Help me out, please.
Zachary G Wilson, Lover of Bi
ble Stories...

So i can see their point. Christianity has adopted Hebrew stories as part of their religion. But does that make it a Christian story? Not convinced...